
We need to make sure that the school budget is focused directly on improving teaching and learning. We need to spend money where it will have an impact on teachers and assistant teachers who work directly with students. What programs and personnel are making the most difference? Gathering data and developing plans for students is essential, but so is judging the results. If these programs are not working, we must redirect the money. The School Committee needs members who have background in education and can rigorously evaluate these plans and programs.

The budget has grown by less than 3% over the past 3 years. This pattern can’t go on, however, as expenses have gone up by more than 3%. We are now looking at a budget deficit. The School Committee must work with the City Manager and be fiscally responsible. The new School Committee needs to be ready to face this challenge.

These are the 2 questions I hear the most….

1. Why do we spend so much money?
2. Why do we spend so much money on Central Administration?

Here is what I found out….

1. Why do we spend so much money?

  • CPS pays for maintenance unlike some other school systems
  • Smaller schools and class sizes (Brookline has 9 K-8 schools and Cambridge has 11 K-8 schools and 1 K-6 school)
  • Increased teacher training
  • No fees for sports and transportation
  • No cuts in library, art, music, and sports
  • Low and no-cost CPS summer programs
  • Free full day kindergarten from age 41/2
  • Increased CPS pre-school options
  • School choice program means more transportation and the need for a Family Resource Center

2. Why do we spend so much money on Central Administration?

I found out that in 2002-3 there were 82 administrators and now there are 67, a 17% reduction.

Here are those 67 administrators:

  • 12 – Elementary Principals
  • 12 – Assistant Elementary Principals
  • 5- CRLS RSTA and HSEP Principals and Assistant Principals
  • 8 CRLS Deans (4 Deans of Students/4 Deans of Curriculum)
  • Athletic Director at CRLS
  • K-12 Math Coordinator
  • K-12 Science Coordinator
  • K-12 Language Arts Coordinator
  • K-12 Visual and Performing Arts Director
  • K-12 Health and Physical Education Director
  • Library Director
  • Bilingual Director
  • Guidance Director
  • Special Education Director
  • Assistant Special Education Director
  • Family Resource Director
  • Superintendent
  • Deputy Superintendent
  • Executive Director of Student Achievement and Accountability
  • Director of K-12 Student Achievement
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Finance Director
  • Coordinator of Purchasing and Finance
  • Human Resources Director
  • Assistant Director of Human Resources
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Chief Technology Officer (MIS)
  • Security
  • Director of Public Information
  • Food Services Director
  • Transportation Director
  • Maintenance Director
  • Legal Counsel
  • Director of Affirmative Action

If we know where the money is going, then we can work together to make sure it is going to improve the achievement and enrichment of all students. For instance, the CPS spends a tremendous amount of money on paper. One place to conserve and help the environment is to make more efforts to reduce the amount of paper used. The School Committee is making the effort to run paperless; we should make efforts to reduce the amount of paper we use in the schools.